Research Overview

CACS (Jan ’23 – Mar ’24)

The Centre for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences (CACS) at IIT Madras excels in cutting-edge aerosol research, addressing vital issues in Earth's climate and atmosphere. Through global collaboration, including esteemed partnerships with Harvard University and the Max Planck Institute, CACS advances climate science. Noteworthy achievements include high-impact publications, innovative climate modeling, and initiatives like the Inter-Disciplinary Dual Degree (IDDD) Program, attracting top talents to enrich atmospheric and climate sciences. Hosting distinguished visitors and organizing field campaigns underscore CACS's significant contributions to aerosol research and its broader implications for climate science and sustainability.

For further details, click : CACS Jan '23 - Mar '24

Research of CACS

Our goal: An integral scientific understanding of Atmosphere and Climatic Sciences from molecular to global scales.

CACS aims at an integral understanding of chemical processes particularly in the atmosphere and biosphere with the help of interdisciplinary scientific departments and additonal research groups.. They explore the interactions of the climate, ocean, and atmospheric systems from through Investigations address a wide range of interactions between air, water, soil, life and climate.

Scientists conduct laboratory experiments, collect samples and record measurement data during field campaigns. The practical work is complemented with mathematical models to simulatevarious atmospheric processes. One of the major goals is to find out how air pollution, including reactive trace gases and aerosols, affect the atmosphere, biosphere, climate, and also public health.